Monday, February 13, 2012

From Mom

Dear G,

You are the most amazing, handsome, brilliant little boy. But you already know that because I tell you every single day how wonderful you are and how happy you make me. You made me a mother when I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I still don't. However, your infectious smiles are proof that sometimes I kinda know what I am doing. Your new obsession with hugs and saying "I love you, Mommy" is welcome to stay forever. I'll never tire of them or hearing those words.

Some days are tougher than others. While we miss Daddy terribly while he is away, YOU are my trooper. YOU make it easier, even when I'm not the Mommy you deserve because I'm tired and overwhelmed. Those are the days I feel being your Mommy is the hardest because I never want to let you down. But those days where I am cranky, short-tempered and way to amendable to the idea of TV, sneak in sometimes. I hope those aren't the days that you remember. I hope you remember the afternoons/evenings where we play legos, play-doh, read stories and cuddle. I hope you remember the trips to the pet store, afternoons at the park and when we dance like lunatics around the living room to Fresh Beat Band. And you remember that we cook all kinds of fun food and paint and glue and create things. I truly hope that these are the days that stay in your memory.

You and your Dad are the best, most wonderful, most exhausting, most breathtaking things that have ever happened to me and I love you. Always.



**At daycare this week, parents were encouraged to write a "Legacy of Love" letter to their child/ren that would be displayed in the halls in honor of Valentine's Day. This was mine**

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