Thursday, February 2, 2012

Six more weeks of winter

It's Groundhog Day!
And Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow.
Meaning 6 more weeks of winter...
Although, so far it's only snowed two times. Both lasted one day. And the last couple of days have been in the fifties. If this is what is to be expected, I'm OK with it.

To celebrate, we made our own Punxsutawney..
 He started as a bunch of hearts.
 Loving the glue as always.
Afterwards, we mixed in a little food coloring...
(I've been waiting a LONG time to figure out how to use the black and brown)
I scooped two almost identical shapes onto the griddle...
Then we ate him.
Pux AND his shadow.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously where do you get all of these creative ideas? You are such an amazing mom - you should feel so proud of all that you do and mostly all on your own. I admire you for all your hard work and making it all look effortless :) Can't wait to see you tomorrow ;)
