Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The dial dish soap and jacuzzi tub experiment

This week Gavin had an encounter with the dirty d. It wasn't pretty. If you don't know what the dirty d is, you're a very fortunate soul. It involved lots of diapers, pants and butt paste. Hope that clears up any curiosity. This fetid event also happened beginning of the week, and not just any week, the final chaotic week of placement testing for incoming students. (side note, I am a Testing Specialist that administers tests for those said students) So, I was pretty stoked when Grandpa came to the rescue and offered to stay home and take care of my little guy. Gavin recovered quickly from his "bug" and had a great time with Grandpa. When I arrived to pick him up, I discovered that G had his first encounter with the jacuzzi tub. My first thought was put a toddler, with Montezuma's revenge, in a huge bathtub?! Wow! That's pretty brave. My second thought was, DANG, I'm so jealous! I could use a nice relaxing jacuzzi tub afternoon!

Needless to say, Gavin loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I see pictures like these, I also would wish to have a similar bath in one of those jetted bathtubs out there to provide that soothing massage effect.
