Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Miscellany

1) "No bite." This is a lesson that daddy has decided to take on himself this week. Last week Gavin bit another child at daycare. This is the second time I recall getting a note home about it. He's two. Two year old children bite. Trust me, Gavin has come home with more bite marks on him, then he has notes of him biting others. He's learning. We've been talking about it much more lately. When you ask him if he bit someone, he says "yes," then does the crinkly nose about to cry bit.  But now when you ask him "Do we bite our friends?"...he says "No." I think he is getting it. Fingers crossed for no notes home this week.

2) Yesterday when I went to get Gavin up from his nap he had his ENTIRE bed full of stuffed animals. When I came in he yelled gleefully, "Look Mimi...lots animals." He had them all in their place too. I went to move one and he noticed and put it back exactly where I had moved it from. There were so many animals I never would have guessed he would be able to tell, but I was mistaken. I was torn last night when I checked on him before bed because once again he had dozens of stuffed animals in bed all around him. He was snuggled up in the midst of them. Do I leave them there so he is surrounded when he wakes up? Will he suffocate in all of them? Will he wake up confused if they are all removed and back in their basket? I decided to move them. I didn't hear any screaming when he woke up. So all was OK.

3) New word this week. "Oww."  {sigh}

4) The last couple of car rides we've been on together have ended with the exclamation, "We made it!" I don't know where he got this from. Whether it be the store, daycare, grandma and grandpa's or even pulling in our own driveway, "We made it," is announced. A winter storm is heading our way quickly this week, so let's hope we keep making it safely everywhere we need to go. Or better yet, let's hope we don't have to go anywhere ;)

5) Poor dogs, if Gavin is up, they need to be up too. Not just awake, but literally standing up. They were cozy on the floor in the living room while Gavin was playing...that is until Gavin noticed them sleeping. "Wake up dogs, wake up.....wake up....wake up.....WAKE UUUUUP!" He was bent down right in their noses. I felt bad for the dogs, but was rather relieved it wasn't "!" He has mastered how to get our attention now. It's great.

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