Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm published!!

.....OK, maybe not published. But I did take this here blog and have it printed into some books for 2009 and 2010. I love them! I do wish that the pictures were printed larger in the books, but that wasn't an option. I suppose if they were bigger, the book would also be twice as many pages. 2010 is over 300 pages as is. I chose to have the books printed exactly as the blog is written. Thus meaning, more pages, rather than rearranging pictures and comments to best fit for a condensed book. I didn't want it to be all jumbled. I write next to pictures that fit with those pictures. Don't mess with it.
Looky there. I've done it.
Something I wish I would have taken more time and actually written something nice.....a dedication.
 There is even a table of contents. Not that my blog has ever been organized in any manner.
 See what I mean about picture size? I can live with it, though. I love it!

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