Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Miscellany

1) I was changing a diaper when I had the overwhelming urge to sneeze. You know the one, where you stop everything you're doing, stand there with your eyes shut, and kind of bob your head a bit encouraging it to come out. Well, it didn't work and the sneeze feeling subsided. Which kind of irritated me because I knew it was still in there....somewhere. So the diaper was on. The socks went on (we were getting dressed for the day) and I went for his jeans and "ACHOOOO!" It came on like a tantrum from a 2-year old. No warning whatsoever. I told you I knew it was still buried in there. I knew it, and I was still startled. The next thing I hear is "Bess you" from in front of me. Loved it.The first time I hear him say anything is amazing though :)

2) Four days in a row and the 7:30 bedtime is cruising right along. I'm loving it not only for the ability to get caught up on a few things before bed, like texting, checking Facebook, watching Lifetime, throwing the ball for the dogs (the things that are NOT possible when G is up) has also led to some pretty awesome mornings getting ready to go. When he goes to bed earlier, I get to go to bed earlier. We are both happier.

3) Gavin has put a hole in the knee of his second pair of Levi's this month.What's he doing? Sliding around on his knees all day long?!

4) Gavin has become fascinated with finding things that match. He matches cards, dinosaurs, toys, cars, name it. He does it so well and gets so animated when he runs over to show me his "match." You want to know what else he likes to match....socks for mommy while I fold laundry. Ya, it's pretty sweet!

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