Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Roy G. Biv- Bathtime Edition

Bath time is much more fun with colored water!
We've recently discovered tub fizzy's. They are awesome because not only does Gavin now get excited for baths again, but my little boy and my tub remain safe from these colors. Each evening Gavin gets to pick out a tablet or two to toss in the tub. I bought the super pack that contains 45 tablets for $3.50. Worth every penny for pleasant baths every night. You get a combination of red, blue and yellow. Day one he chose blue and then tossed in a yellow to get this funky shade of green.
Day 2 we have red. I tossed in a yellow trying to make it turn orange because the red quite frankly...is creepy. REDRUM, REDRUM kept going through my head.
It wasn't turning orange. And it's still creepy.
So a blue went in.
I'll take the purple. It may not be very masculine, but it's not freaking me out. It's not like I gave him unicorns to play with in there. (not that there is anything wrong with unicorns...)
My favorite color so far.
I may steal some and take a bath myself. I'll pretend I'm in some sort of tropical paradise! You have to admit, this color is pretty sweet minus the fizz ball that we tried out today. Waste of fifty cents. It just fizzed in one spot and left a little duck in it's place. A teeny tiny little plastic flat duck. I would compare it to the size of a dime...if that. So much for a surprise to pop out at the end. Well, I guess the surprise was on me. Gavin was NOT impressed. He just stared at it for a few seconds and went back to coloring the walls, like it was normal to have a fizzing ball next to him in the bath.
And if you mix all the colors together....
You get this shade of blue. I like it.
I was thinking it would be some ugly dirty looking color.
Glad I was wrong :)

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