Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Everything's better with popcorn!

For Christmas I received exactly what I wanted....an air popper! I remember being little and making popcorn at home before watching a movie. I also remember trying to over-fill it with kernels whenever we had a babysitter so we would have a popcorn explosion. So of course I wanted this same excitement for my son.
Here he is carefully dumping the kernels into the top.
Bouncy little things, aren't they?
It's OK, we'll get those later.
Putting the top back on and getting ready to get started. No, we don't melt butter in the top. What do you think I am? Crazy?! Screaming and crying and blistering skin come to mind at the thought of melting butter with a two year old.
As soon as I plugged it in, (there isn't an on/off switch) Gavin sprinted into the safety of the living room and watched from the gate. Odd what he can be afraid of sometimes. We will work on it.
He came back closer as soon as he saw the bowl filled up. Mmmm, popcorn!
Do you see the same disaster I'm seeing about to happen?
Don't worry, it didn't happen. Mommy handed it down to him and he did an excellent job carrying it into the living room to eat. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, I did not know that you put up a post almost every day. Valerie and I were just catching up on your last week and a half. We have the exact same popcorn maker and last night Avery helped put the kernels in the top for the first time. And of course, we were also picking kernels up all over the floor. I love all the pics you put in your blog. I need to learn to take more pictures to post in mine.
