Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Miscellany

1) Gavin was watching/helping me load some pictures on the computer so we started naming the people in the pictures. Grandma, Grandpa, Chance, Sammy, Mimi, kitty, Tim.....what?! Tim!! I asked him again, "Who is this?" and he repeated, "Tim!" This will not do at all. It's apparent that I need to refer to someone as Daddy from now on when I'm talking to Grandma and Grandpa. Yikes!

2) If I didn't witness it everyday, I wouldn't believe it either. But when I tell Gavin it's time to lay down for a nap, he grabs his bear and goes into his room and climbs in bed. It can't possibly stay this easy. It just can't. Although, he has this thing lately about leaving his shoes on. It's not one of those battles I feel is worth fighting.

3) My current employment situation is that Gavin stays the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house every Saturday night. I love that he loves it. Today when I dropped him off he walked right in and made himself at home. Then he ran and gave me a big hug and waved goodbye. While it made me kinda sad, I have to remind myself it would be worse if he clung to me and cried when I had to leave.

4) The cold sores have been passed on. So sad. I had them when I was his age and unfortunately, now Gavin has gotten them as well. Booo :(

5) This isn't a new thing but I have found it more comical lately. As he is developing more independence, he wants to do everything by himself. Or at least let him think it's his idea. So when his nose starts a running, I let him do the first blow. He gets his own tissue, holds it to his nose and blows. Good job, right? Except for the minor detail that while he is holding the tissue to his nose, he blows out with his mouth. The tissue flutters up with the wind and his nose is still dripping. It's only then that I offer to help. As long as he gets to "do it himself" first, assistance with blow number two is more often than not accepted.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan. Valerie and I were just enjoying the Gavin stories and were laughing because it sounds like we are living parallel lives with Gavin & Avery. take care, bryan
