Sunday, January 30, 2011

Roy G. Biv - Cake Edition

The actual creation.... (my piece wouldn't stand alone once it was cut)
The process.... Buy two boxes of white cake mix and make as directed.
Separate into however many colors you desire. Measure them somewhat evenly so layers are the same.
Color each bowl. Originally I was going to have Gavin help me with this step, then I realized what a MESS it might become, so he watched and named the colors instead. It was a win-win.
 Pointing to all the different colors.

Bake each layer (15 minutes @ 350 degrees)
I felt that the rainbow cake needed some rainbow sprinkles. You know, the little round balls of sugar that bounce everywhere and don't stick to anything kind. Yep, those are perfect. See that rug under the table? I'm sure I have tiny balls of color embedded in it. Later this week, I'm going to have sick dogs or lots of ants. No doubt. Fairly quickly I moved the cake into the sink and let G shake away.
Here goes nothin'....let's cut it!
 Let's wait to eat it until we sit down buddy! I know it looks delicious!!

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