Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Miscellany

1) One morning while I was getting ready for work, I had left Gavin alone eating his breakfast at the table. I'm only feet away in the bathroom finishing up and I hear his little voice laughing. It grows and grows into uncontrollable hysterics. What could he possibly be doing with his breakfast?! I peak around the corner to catch the scene and what do you know...I had left the squirt bottle that we use to "tame" his hair on the table. Not only was it on the table, it was within reach. And so was the cat. Poor Jazzy. Who knew that spraying a cat with a squirt bottle was such delight.

2) Another bright and early morning, mister sunshine didn't want to get up. I can't blame him as I've never been a morning person either. I tried to wait as long as possible, and I even eased him into it by turning on the hallway light and leaving his door open while I made breakfast. Once the table was set, I headed into his room and turned on the light, he looked up at me and said "No Mimi, No" and got up, walked over and turned off his light, climbed back in bed and covered up. Oh sweet Gavin, you definitely got that from me.

3) Gavin and I have developed a wonderful bedtime routine. It makes me happy to lay with him each evening and read Goodnight Moon, then turn on his stars and sing Twinkle, Twinkle before kisses goodnight. It's gotten even better as Gavin now sings the words to Twinkle, Twinkle with me. Sleep tight, Bubba. Mommy and Daddy love you.

4) Recently, he has tried (and accomplished) getting extra kisses at bedtime. After kissing him good night and tucking him in, he suddenly has several boo-boos all over his face. He points to his cheek and says "boo-boo right here", then after kissing it, he has another one on his other cheek, then higher on his cheek, then by his get the idea. Didn't take me long to catch on, but how could I resist giving his darling face a few more smooches.

5) New phrase over the holiday, "No way." Charming, no?

6) The day after Christmas, Daddy was home and was getting him dressed while I was preparing some french toast for breakfast. All of a sudden there was a lightning bolt from Gavin's bedroom, through the kitchen, into the living room yelling "Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo." Santa did well this year with a new train table, and it's obvious he couldn't wait to play with it.

7) Later this same day we were at Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas and after his nap, he said, "Home, choo-choo." Santa did well, indeed.

8) I'm tickled at how much Gavin is communicating and expressing himself now. Most of the time. This particular afternoon he ran over to me with his tiny pointer finger outstretched yelling, "nose, nose." Guess what was on the end of that outstretched finger? Next lesson: Getting our own tissues.

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