Friday, February 25, 2011

Another snow day--another random kitchen concoction

How do you entertain a toddler who has toys busting from every inch of this house...yet nothing to play with on a snow day? 

You find something shiny. 
And then you turn it into something cool.
Al Foil (that's what I called him) had this unique ability to take nose-dives and yet still take off again unscathed.

The dogs were less than impressed. Unless, however, the sun caught Superman (that's what G called him) just right and sent rays of light bouncing around the house. Now that caught their fancy quite hysterically.
 Not only was he an excellent flier, his ability to loop, twist, and shift positions came in handy while playing construction.

 Sadly, by nap time, he had taken his last beating.
 R.I.P Al Foil
You were pretty Super while you lasted.

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