Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Miscellany

1)  After reading a bedtime story and cuddling in bed, Gavin looks at me and says, "Mommy, I bite you." Isn't he sweet? But wait....What?! Hold up. Didn't we just talk about this a whole bunch last week. I look at him and say "That's not very nice, Gavin. Do we bite mommy?" He replies, "No, bite daddy." While it's an improvement from biting mommy, it's not what I wanted to hear. I ask again, "Gavin, do we bite people?" And with a heavy sleepy sigh, he says, "No, no bite." That's better kiddo. Now go to sleep.

2) I'm loving the clean up song! I can ask G to clean up his toys until I run out of breath because he already has the ability to tune mommy out. But if I start singing the clean up song, well, he chimes in along with me and becomes this little dust buster. A Barney original, I've been told.  Barney hasn't been introduced in our house. I'm OK with this. We don't need to watch him to sing the song. It's short and sweet and to the point. Easy for the wee ones to remember and repeat. Although I must admit, I chuckle as Gavin sings, because it sounds like he is saying "peanuts, peanuts..." (you can find the song on youtube if interested)

The Clean Up Song

Clean Up, Clean Up
Everybody, Everywhere
Clean Up, Clean Up
Everybody do their share.

3) Fabulous. My ice scraper snapped on my windshield this morning when trying to leave the house. Not completely, just the center of it jumped free from the rest. So now I'm left using this Spock looking device to chip away the remnants of "The Blizzard" from my car. Only then to realize I was planning to head to the wrong learning center for work. Timing is everything for us to get ready to go each day. Could this morning go any smoother? Walking into daycare, Gavin looks at me and says "I lalu mommy." Yes, that's all it took. Today just did became FABULOUS!

4) Mommy. I couldn't wait to hear that word spoken. Except it never came. Instead, I was Mimi. And I was good with it. I came to like it actually. It was the name Gavin had given me all by himself. This week, Mommy has replaced Mimi. I think I cried a little. {heavy, but happy, sigh}

5) Another "Blizzard" moment. We were enjoying the afternoon in our jammies and watching the excitement out our big front window. The excitement being plows going by and every neighbor outside in their driveway shoveling and/or blasting snow with blowers. Directly across the street, the couple were both outside working together when another neighbor pulled up in his pick-up possessing a plow on the front. Nice, eh. To assist in the clean-up of their driveway, he throws his truck into reverse and backs up into their drive. Then he pushes all the snow down their driveway, across the street, and into, where else, our front yard. Now this, my friends, is apparently VERY exciting. Gavin was jumping up and down, waving frantically to the driver and yelling "more snow, more snow, more snow!!" The driver would wave back each time and I have to believe made a few extra passes blasting the snow up in the air for our entertainment.

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