Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We made some special valentine's over the weekend. The idea was to trace Gavin's hand but sometimes ideas don't turn out exactly how they are imagined. He would put his hand down for a second, but if I came near it with a marker he would scream "Owww," and pull his hand away. Where does he get this stuff? So, we traced mommy's hand. Probably twenty times. Washable markers are really great things when a toddler is doing the tracing. Mommy cut out the hands and some hearts and we went to work coloring and pasting. Gavin screamed bloody murder was a little upset that he couldn't use the scissors, but I don't have children's scissors, and I don't think he is ready for them quite yet anyway.
It also wouldn't be special if we didn't have lots of stickers. 

I'm still finding hearts. We put them on ALL the things we love.
See that glue stick? It goes on purple and dries clear. I thought it was such a great idea so I could tell where he was gluing. Wrong. It applies purple. If it colors, it MUST be a marker. Don't ask about all things that were sticky the rest of the day. It finally had to be put away. Hidden high on a shelf in a closet to give you the picture.
I can't wait for next year when he creates them himself. I'm excited for little hands artwork to hang on the fridge! Although I do like making things together. I also bought some glitter but then had second thoughts. There will be more projects. The scissor meltdown and purple glue were enough to leave the glitter in the bag...this time.
Guilty. I was taken by a hallmark commercial. I bought the bug. I couldn't resist while walking through Kroger. I also bought a dinosaur hot wheel (in the Kroger toy aisle) and zipped it inside along with some fruit snacks.
It was worth it. 
He kept saying "Thank you, Mommy" all morning. 
Thanks Hallmark commercial. 
Mission accomplished.

He was also VERY excited to take treats to daycare for their valentine party! As you can see, he was doing his happy dance trying to get ready to leave. He carried them all by himself and sprinted down the hall to get to his room. I failed to get little Valentines to put on them with his name. Mommy-Fail. Whoops. I'm still new at this. I won't forget next year.

Another few coins well spent was at daycare. There were balloons to be purchased and delivered to your child. Of course I bought two. I thought about getting a bunch, but then didn't want to overdo it. Two was just right. He was waiting eagerly to show me them when I picked him up.
"Look, Mommy...two boons!"

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