Saturday, February 12, 2011

Goodbye kiss

It's Bear. He is known as Bear. I tried to get Gavin to name him without success. He is now and forever, just Bear. Bear does EVERYTHING that Gavin does. He eats, sleeps, colors, jumps, he's happy and sad (Gavin let's me know how Bear is feeling) and the list goes on.....

Bear also goes WITH Gavin wherever he goes. If we accidentally leave without Bear from somewhere, we go back for him. It's that simple. Yet so very inconvenient sometimes.

One place that Bear has gone on several occasions is daycare. We've been working real hard at leaving Bear at home these days. Not because I don't want Gavin to keep hanging on to him, but because it's difficult, I'm sure, for the daycare providers to keep track of the "special" things that children might bring in. Think about it. If every child brought their "special" friend/lovey into the class, then the teachers would have to keep track of each one AND not let any other child touch another child's "special" toy (if you have kids you know that some things are not shared well.)

So here we are on our way to school.
 Bear rode with us.
Gavin was pretty cool with letting him stay in the car to be my guard Bear for the day.

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