Friday, February 4, 2011

Finally, a House We Can Afford

It’s a fixer-upper, but at least we own it.  We may have to build an addition on in the future, but we’ll cross that cardboard bridge when we get to it.  In the meantime, we are basking in the glory of home-ownership and picking out what shade of Crayola we want for the trim. We even did what all new home owners do and had a housewarming party!
 No one was exempt from decorating the new place.

If you too, are looking for affordable home-ownership, try Target.  Fourteen ninety-nine.  No indoor plumbing, but you can recycle the entire thing when you tire of baby bunny pink, denim patch, and electric lime decorative bricks. (When did crayola colors revolutionize, by the way?!)

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