Sunday, February 6, 2011

W-2.......4, 6, 8?!

Yep, that's right.


It's been a year of many changes. Finding a job was evidently not a hard thing to do. Finding one with a that took a few attempts, or rather, a little bit of time and patience. But I got to try my hand at a few fun things in the process

I would like to start by saying that 2 of the W-2's are not mine, but belong to my extraordinary husband. He has taken a job that puts him away from home. A LOT. It wasn't an easy choice, but it was one with a future. Jobs with the railroad (fingers-crossed) and trucks (currently) all want a CDL (obviously). But most places won't hire without one-year of OTR (over-the-road) experience. Which I've come to learn is mandatory for insurance purposes. So here we are. Almost halfway through our experience.

My year consisted of serving wings and beer (for waaaay too long), sushi (I like sushi, but I will NEVER eat at this place), making deposits and withdrawals (I'm not a sales person and I sure don't want to advise you what to do with your money), photographing some amazing new babies (new moms are so relaxed and newborns cooperate fantastically...but again, it was the whole pushy sales aspect and working on commission), serving some more beer (still doing it one night a week for cash, hey, daycare isn't cheap), and finally, placing incoming college students into the right classes (by golly, I think I've found myself a future with this place).
In other words, a little bit of everything. 

We are looking forward to 2011 and our careers finally taking off!!

We've come a long way the last 365.

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