Monday, February 21, 2011

Giving Life to Miscellany

I enjoy scrapbooking. Scratch that. I enjoy what the finished scrapbook looks like. I haven't done it simply because I haven't really had the time, money, or room. Here's the thing with scrapbooking. It's time consuming, expensive and takes up a whole lot of space! See my dilemma? I do love the blog here, and really love that I've been able to print it into books, but it's still not the same as a scrapbook. Scrapbooks seem more "homey," more "personalized" to me. So when I came across this little kit, I knew I wanted to give it a go. It's called Project Life. 365 days of pictures, captions and life miscellany. Miscellany?! It's perfect. It's the little things that will be great to remember and read. So, I'm taking Monday Miscellany to the scrapbook. While I am not trying to be crazy and think I can take a picture and write something every single day,  I can do it weekly. I've already filled in the sleeves so that I can just slide in a picture and pull out the note-cards to jot down a few lines. Sure, I can adjust the cards as needed. I'm sure I will. There are also several filler cards. And I cheat, dates on cards and date photo was taken may or may not be exactly the same. Close, but not same. It came with a sweet date stamper for each day :-)


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