Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Miscellany

1) Gavin can clearly count to 13 all by himself. Thank you Grandma for counting stairs with him all the time.

2) After trying to color with a white crayon on white paper, Gavin informed me that the crayon was "no working."

 3) Holy vocabulary explosion. I am amazed at how much more he says. And not just words, but sentences. We are practically having conversations now. It's a treat :)

4) Holding 2 fingers up. Big accomplishment. He gets frustrated if the other fingers pop up. It's tough getting them to stand alone, isn't it?! But we just try again...and again...and again. And eventually we get it.
5) Driving home from my parents I hear, "Mommy, I pooping." Followed seconds later by "it's a big one." Oh good. Sure wish he would have been fibbing this one as we drove rest of the way home with the windows cracked in frigid temperatures. I couldn't help but laugh the whole way either.

6) Give me a scary movie any day or night of the week. I will watch it alone in the dark long after Gavin goes to bed without a shiver. But let me get in the shower at 7AM and have a little head pop through the curtain while washing my hair to exclaim, "Mommy, I up!" My heart might jump out of my chest. You see, this is the first morning ever that Gavin has successfully opened the doors in our house. Until this morning, he has always stayed in bed until I go into his room. I also thought he was still asleep!

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