Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Dough

While preparing for the "Blizzard" expected to hit us the past two days, I failed to take into consideration that we would need things to do so that we didn't suffer cabin fever. We always have tons of toys, but we needed something, I don't know, different.
So we went to the kitchen to make some Snow Dough.  First we tossed together some flour, salt, water, and white tempura paint. Mommy mixed it together until it became a dough consistency and then Gavin kneaded it for a few minutes.

 You'd think he was a professional kneader, wouldn't you?
Looks ready to me!
Appears to be some pretty amazing stuff. To prevent frustration and/or tantrum, I went ahead and divided and rolled the stuff into 3 balls. Little man took it from there. I found an old bottle of lotion and sacrificed it for the cap. Like I said, I hadn't prepared any crafty ideas and we had to use what I could muster up. It's not like we could make a snowman without a top hat, now could we?

Arms.... well, those are actually sucker sticks. I cut the Dum-Dums off the top, blue ones to be specific, and covered them with a black magic marker. Most pantry's I've seen have a bag of assorted beans in them somewhere. Never to be eaten mind you, but for occasions such as this one. A macaroni noodle nose and some scrap ribbon from our collage kit make the best "snow-dough" snowman I believe I've ever seen!
We had "snow" much fun! 
(yep, I just typed that)

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