Monday, November 7, 2011


These are delicious!
Cinnamon roll pancakes. Although I didn't do the swirl so much. Instead I wrote his name, made a 5, because that's how many days until Daddy will be home, and a happy face.

They taste like cinnamon rolls. I didn't make the fun frosting to put on them. They were good all by themselves, but there is link to make three different toppings. 

The entire blog is great for kid food!
Thy are SUPER simple. In fact, I whipped up the swirl last night while making dinner and tossed it in the fridge.
The swirl: 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 Tb melted butter, couple shakes of cinnamon. I also added a little bit of milk to thin it up and pour it into a squeeze bottle.
 Remember that sand art we did at Gavin's birthday party? Turns out there is another use for a tiny 6-8 ounce bottle with a cap. This is leftover after this morning. It wasn't full to begin with, so this batch of swirly stuff will last all week!

Gavin did measure the pancake mix and add the water, but how many times do I really need to post a picture of him doing that. He does it every time we have pancakes. The griddle is too hot to let him squeeze the stuff on, and I think he would probably just make a big mess anyway. Big messes and early mornings don't work well for me.

Flipped them on the griddle like I would any other pancake and we gobbled them up before heading out the door to daycare and work. Happy Monday!

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