Monday, November 21, 2011

Potty training

It's not for the impatient. If you think you can read a book about "How to potty train your child." Think again. Every child is different. My favorite are the ones that were blessed with kids that started going early....they have the best advice on how you should do it. Please! Don't talk to me. We started attempting the potty training at about 2.5 years. We bought the favorite underwear, we had rewards, big smiles....stayed on him like WHITE ON RICE during the day. You know what happened? We went through 5-6 pairs of underwear, a bottle of Resolve, a bunch of crying and it wasn't even lunch time yet. He wasn't ready. We let it go.

Fast forward 2-3 months. I went on Ebay and bought a bag of used die cast Cars (from the movie) to be used as incentive to go potty. Whenever he successfully went, he could pick out a car. The lot came with around 50. I also made a sticker chart in the bathroom. He loves stickers so I thought if he at least tries, with a timer of two minutes (since he is two)...then he can pick out a sticker.

Next thing I know, he had to TRY and go potty every five minutes. He didn't have to go. He just wanted stickers. It was a bust. I don't have stock in stickers either. So stickers became only when we went potty. And yes, he could also could pick out a car.

That was all around the 30-32 month old range. He didn't get but a few cars. The sticker chart was pretty bare. He still wasn't quite ready....or interested, to be more specific.

We are now at 3 and almost two months. This week has been an unbelievable transformation. He wants to go potty. He goes and then doesn't even want a car. He just wants to go. I tribute this to a few things. One, is that I told him that we were getting rid of diapers and big kids wear underwear. Two, is that he wants to be like Daddy. And three, and probably the best, He can't move up into the next room at daycare until he is potty trained. His two best buddies moved up. He can see them across the hall through the windowed doors. He knows what he needs to do :)

We just had our first *almost* successful week wearing UNDERWEAR to school!!
He had accidents on the last day :(

Here's to week two!

To celebrate, I picked up a little something FABULOUS from Home Depot.
This might be the most amazing invention ever.
 A built-in toddler seat!

Go, Gavin, Go!!

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