Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving today was enjoyed at my parents. Just Mom, Dad, Mike, Matt and Gabby. It was pretty quiet and mellow this year. It was nice. Dinner was amazing. Mom made everything from scratch. Way to go, Mom!

While she was cooking. I attempted to make a turkey hat with Gavin.
Once again, I did the cutting. I had leftover feathers from the office turkey.
He is into tracing his hand lately.And using a glue stick.
There wasn't much to it.
It kept Gavin occupied for almost 3 minutes.
You know the saying, "measure twice, cut once?" It also applies to gluing things. Measure twice, glue once.
His hat was a tid bit small.
Believe it or not, these were the only 5 pictures that I took today.

But for your viewing pleasure, here is our Thanksgiving from a three year old perspective.
In no particular order...
 Happy Thanksgiving!
We hope everyone had an enjoyable day.

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