Monday, November 21, 2011

A promise IS a promise...

I had this idea that it would be cool to tell Gavin this morning that if he went poop (said in a whisper) in the potty at school today then he could have the GIANT smartie that the neighbor gave him for Halloween. He's been drooling over it for couple weeks now. I haven't been able to bear to let him have that much sugar. 

He hasn't gone #2 in the potty yet, so I thought this would be good incentive.

Today he went number two FIVE times at school. Three of which were in the potty.
(There were no stipulations on having accidents)

This was right after dinner...
Smarties this big are ridiculous!

Undoubtedly, he hadn't forgotten this mornings deal.

Coincidentally, this is the shirt he wore today.
This shirt doesn't even come close to explaining the high-strung, uncontrollable pistol that I have zooming around my house this evening.

Lesson learned.

**side note** I did manage to take half the smartie and wrap it up for tomorrow....with no accidents as part of the deal.

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