Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Painting is the coolest

Although I typically like it better when we do it together.
I keep his crayons and markers at his disposal. He can use them whenever he pleases. Paint, being a bit messier, I keep out of I thought.

Let's start at the beginning, shall we....
This morning I slept in until I heard little feet pitter-patter into the bathroom. I usually get up about two hours before we need to get out the door as it takes me about 45 minutes to shower and get ready myself.

But today was a little lazy. So we hung out this morning and I made him french toast. He was all set him up in the living room eating and watching cartoons as I hopped in the bathroom.

When I got out, I walked into the living room to check on him. To my surprise, he wasn't there, but his plate was sitting almost untouched. I heard him upstairs in our bedroom where I usually have the gate shut. Apparently it didn't latch tight. When I got to the top of the stairs, I gasped! "Gavin, what are you doing?!" In front of me was a display of open paint bottles and gooey colors everywhere.

"I just wanted to paint, Mommy. I painted it for you."

Forget that the clock is ticking and I'm still in my bathrobe.
I know I have two choices. Freak out, or go downstairs and rummage for my camera.

I chose the latter.

By the time I got back up, he had picked up several bottles.
Good thinking, kiddo.

But you're still busted. Red, multi-colored, handed.
The paint on the floor doesn't look that bad, but when you go to wipe it SMEARS. 
Luckily, it wasn't tempera paint and only the Crayola washable stuff. 
It will come out. When I get time to spend scrubbing, that is.
Right then I had to snap a few shots without kneeling in any paint myself and continue to get us ready and out the door.
The biggest masterpiece was on my mirror.
But there was paint on the railing, carpet, and laundry basket, as well as, all over him.
"It's B-E-A-U-tiful, Gavin."
"You like it, Mommy?" (smiling proudly)
"I made it super big."
(as he stretched up his arms to demonstrate the big-ness)
"How big?"
"Stand up and show me."
"I made it super big like Daddy."
"I painted this one for Daddy."
It went from being a masterpiece for me, to a masterpiece for Daddy.
Either way. It's still streaking down my mirror.

I think I'll leave it for awhile.
Until I can stop at the store and purchase a bottle of Windex and Resolve.

I do love his creativity and desire...
But from now on....the gate will be checked twice in the morning :)

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