Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday parade - Perrysburg

Rain didn't scare us away. Although had it been further then two blocks away, it may have.
I also made a promise last night.
Honestly, even if the sun was shining, this parade lacks quite a bit.
From start to finish it was about 15-20 minutes.
But it got us out of the house and we could always use some fresh air.
There's the man we came to see!
Along with the forever favorite firetrucks.
Afterwards we walked a few feet to the O-Deer Diner to wait for Santa.
A little rain isn't all that bad when it's still in the fifties at the end of November.
We did sit inside a few minutes to write a letter to Santa...
We mailed it out front and will anxiously await a return note :)
As promised, he got to sit on Santa's lap and tell him how good he has been and that all he wants for Christmas is some new Legos. (as if he doesn't have any)
Santa said he would see what he could do....

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