Monday, November 28, 2011

Wagon wheel snowflakes

Let me begin by saying that wagon wheels were much harder to find than I anticipated!
I had to stop at four stores to find some. And it was pouring outside.
But I had made a promise that we were going to make fun snowflakes to begin decorating our window for winter today.
So I HAD to find them.
He measured two cups of wheels into a bowl. Measuring wasn't necessary, but he likes to measure and pour, so that's what we did.
He then got a little too excited and distracted so we had to break to go change.
Measuring a cup of paint. Again, not necessary...but it's safer.
I squeezed in some glue. (approximately four squeezes)
Then we mixed it up!
Until all the wheels were covered.
We then went and changed. Again.
To complete our project, we spread out some wax paper and began laying wheels down to create snowflakes.
We had to keep a wet washcloth close at hand to continuously wipe paint from fingers.
I couldn't get a shot of the glitter application. I needed to be hands free since we were doing it in the house. Here is our 3 blue and 3 silver sparkling snowflakes laying in the window to dry.

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