Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's almost time for turkey

It wouldn't be a holiday if we didn't concoct some sort of crafty thing. Remember our turkeys from last year? Anyway, after a late nap, we went outside to gather some leaves this evening.
 Collecting leaves turned into playing with sticks and going for a bike ride well after dark. Which is pretty early anymore.
 But we finally came inside and dumped out our bag of goods to see what we could create.
 I cut a big circle out of cardboard left in the garage from his trampoline. It does pay to forget to take things out to the trash for months.
 We started with rubber cement and then realized quickly we needed glue. Lots and lots of glue!
 Just like putting toppings on a pizza, no?
 Setting in the window to dry while we ate dinner and took a bath.
 Now to add the turkey's dressings.
A couple legs...
 A beak...
 And some googly eyes! 
We don't make anything without googly eyes.
 Here it is!
Our Thanksgiving turkey!

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