Monday, January 16, 2012

I also have a dream

I am certain that many of us are truly glad that Martin Luther King Jr. was brave enough & willing to speak up...despite adversity! 

May today be a day of reflection...more than just a "holiday from school and work".  Also, I pray that Gavin will be bold enough to speak up in situations they he might be put stand up for those who need it or to share the truth with someone who needs to hear it.

As for me right now, I have a dream that we will soon have more days like these with Daddy.
That soon Daddy will be home all the time.
And we will easily adjust to living together after the majority of (currently) 17 months apart.
(Trust me there will be an adjustment)

I have a dream I will get sleep at night.
And finally get motivated to eat right and exercise more.
And I also dream of getting a new camera to capture every last bit of it. I'm looking at the Canon G12 if anyone wants to make that dream come true.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Megan! I am quickly learning how hard it is without Daddy when you have a 3 year old! Although ours will be short... hopefully only 9 more months of the deployment on top of the 4 we have already done. Not to say there will not be more deployments in the furure but at least once he is home he will be home for awhile. Hang in there!! Let's get the kids together!! Also, my camera came today and I am scared to death to use it lol
