Thursday, January 26, 2012

Road Carrots

{Pulling out of daycare}

Gavin: (in an excited almost shrill scream) "Mommy! Mommy! Look at that truck! That truck is picking up all those carrots!"

Me: "Where? I don't see any trucks. Or carrots."

Gavin: "Right there, right there!" (pointing out the window at a utility truck)

Not just any utility truck, either.
A utility truck that was picking up orange cones off the road.
It also had two sets of orange cones on the front.
(I almost died laughing....inside)

Me: "What kind of carrots are those, Buddy?"

Gavin: "Those are road carrots."

Me: "Road carrots, huh. Do we eat road carrots?"

Gavin: "No, Mommy. Road carrots go on the road."

Duh. Silly me.

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