Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mini pizzas

We like just about anything mini and these are one of our favorites!
Mini pizzas!!
Especially because we typically have all the ingredients in the fridge/cupboard.

Tortillas, pizza sauce, Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning, shredded mozzarella and of course, pepperonis!

Mix a can of pizza sauce, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, couple shakes of Italian seasoning into a bowl.
Use the empty pizza sauce can to cut out some circles from your tortillas to fit into the cupcake pan.
 They are a perfect fit.
 After pressing each tortilla circle into the pan, we poured in some sauce. We don't put a lot of sauce in ours anymore. I learned this the first time we made them. While I like them "deep dish" style. Gavin has had some difficulty. Sometimes I do half and half. I really can't go wrong.

Add a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese and some pepperonis.

I failed to take a finished picture.

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