Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lost socks make great snowmen

Here is an easy, no-sew snowman! I'm so excited to try it because I can put to *good* use the socks that have lost their match. All the other supplies I have on hand! These crafts are my FAVORITE! No sew and No purchase. Score.

As always, I gather all the supplies needed before even announcing it's "cut and glue" time to Gavin. His attention span at the age of three is right on par with a ten minute maximum. And that's if you keep the project rolling. For our snowman, I found one of Daddy's white tube socks that has been laying lonely on the basement table for months. (Because I actually thought the other one would eventually turn up), a solo mitten from last winter, rubberbands, stuffing, rice, buttons, and ribbon.

Drop a large handful of dry rice down into the sock. This is what will make the snowman stay standing.
 Stuff it full.
 Wrap a rubberband around "the neck" and another one to top off the head.
(I rolled the extra sock down into a "bun" and fit the mitten on over it.)

The mitten magically became his hat!
(or you could use a lonely infant sock)

Using glue (and a lot of it this time around), this old white tube sock became our fun snowman!
 Finally I tied a ribbon on for a scarf. Festive, no? It also covers up the rubberband.

From the mouth of Gavin:

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