Thursday, January 12, 2012

More sleep, Less crying

Today, I learned that more sleep helps prevent crying...

Not even 5AM and we're up. We were up because his mouth hurts. I'm thinking throat. I can't get a good look though. It's early. Please don't be strep!

I see what appears to be a white sore on his tongue. Could be what he is complaining about. Not sure. Could be Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease again. I hope not.

Just after 6, he starts throwing up. Only thing he has had since getting out of bed was water. Lucky for me but unlucky for him because he isn't keeping it down. Small coughing fits end in a bucket, his blankie, the toilet a few times, and the carpet.

I message my boss. A sick day is evident.

Perrysburg Pediatrics are supposed to start answering their phones at 8:15. I continuously call getting the "office closed message" until minutes after 9 when I actually spoke to a receptionist. Phone service in my house isn't perfect. Somewhere in my basement, attic, or possible the siding of my home, there is a "make-her-drop-the-call" zapper device. So, all the while I'm making these calls I need to be in the front room or the back porch to guarantee I won't lose it. I stayed in the front room. Finally, while I'm actually talking to the receptionist, Gavin starts screaming from his room.....of course Sammy would go in there and pee. Right now? Are you kidding me?!  I need Stanly Steamer more than ever. Vomit in the front room, urine in the bedroom, and muddy paw prints throughout the house due to this abnormal rainy January. Man, am I glad I went to bed before 9 last night. Any less sleep and I might have broke down and cried at this moment.

 I also learned, or should say, I remembered, that there is always a bright side...

First off, turns out to be just a sinus infection. When I say "it's just" I don't mean that he isn't sick. I'm only saying that I'm happy it isn't strep or hand, foot, & mouth. This is the first prescription Gavin has received since February 2010. It's rare to keep this kid down, so Dr. Jon checked his file. I know he will be bouncing off walls by dinner.

The other thing is that it feels so satisfying to be the one my sick boy needs. It's when I feel motherhood the most, really. When his warm head is burrowed as close to me as it can get and his arm is wrapped around my side, tucked tightly for back-up security. When his lip puffs out if I even think about moving away to get something. It hits me....I am his everything. What a privilege it is.

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