Monday, January 2, 2012

Racing into 2012

Can you believe it?! I'm starting my 3rd year of JabberJohnsons.
I never thought I would keep it up this long.

So let's race right into 2012, shall we.
And let's do it sloppy joe style.
 I caught this idea over at Making Memories with your kids. Although instead of cucumbers, I used cheese and crackers for wheels. I also found cheese cubes in my fridge drawer to use as headlights. (the cheese cubes I bought to help get my dog to swallow some pills.) But that is another post completely.
  Fill 'er up!
 I gave him a pretzel to use as the steering wheel, but he thought reclined seats were a better use for them.
  Vrooooommmmmm, vroooommmmmmm
{he's making the noise}
 Food is fun when you can "play" with it.
 "Look, Mommy! He looks like Mater now!"
(missing headlight)
It's been nearly a month since we've done some fun food.  Due to the holidays and vacation, I've been sidetracked. I'm ready to get back to it.

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