Monday, January 30, 2012


Boy, oh boy, was Gavin tickled pink to get home from school and discover mail addressed to him.
A big package, no less.

 It was really big.

 "Mommy, Mommy, what is it?!"

 "I don't know sweet pea, keep opening...."

 (In an almost inaudible, yet excited high pitched whisper) 
"Mommy, it's a Cars book and a Mater pill-wo!!"

 The Cars book came with sun-gasses.
 But we don't really understand the 3D concept yet.
We do understand things with lights that shine pictures on the wall.
It looked almost like a view-finder. Except you put these little discs into it, turn on the light, and it shines the pictures up on the wall.
Which is impossible to photograph.
Jazzy likes it too.
And so do the dogs!
The light show makes them absolutely bonkers.

Lately, it has become a bedtime ritual to look at pictures in his room --without the animals.
And Mater, well, he even replaced bear for a night!
(We accidentally forgot bear at Grandma and Grandpa's house and when I realized it, I panicked that I would be doing a late night drive to pick him up. Gavin didn't even notice)

I couldn't believe it either. Bear has been by Gavin's side since he created it for his 2nd birthday.
Now he has both in bed with him every night :)

A SUPER BIG Thank You to Aunt Jeanna, Uncle Steve, Kristie, Kylie, and Daniel for this wonderful surprise!

We LOVE it!

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