Sunday, May 30, 2010

Relay for Life!

Relay for Life of Southern Wood County was held at the BG High School Track this year. I joined a team through a girl that I work with and then invited some of my girlfriends to join! I'm so glad that I did! The relay didn't go exactly as smoothly or organized as we would have preferred....but then again..what does, right?!
We were able to make notes and get some GREAT ideas for next year! Maybe next year we can get the rain to hold off too!
The theme of the Relay was "The Wonderful World of Relay" so our team ran with the Disney idea and named our team "Princesses with a Purpose." During our last meeting to put ideas together and plan some raffles we came up with the brilliant idea to all wear a former bridesmaid dress as a PRINCESS dress.
There was a Heart Balloon release during the opening ceremony. They were Hearts for Amber. She lost her battle a few years ago and her little brother did an excellent job making a speech before the release. Afterwards, I overheard a little boy (guessing him to be around 6) exclaim to his mom while I was walking by "Hey mom, heaven sent down some rain because it was saying Thank You for the balloons."
Yes, little man...that's exactly why it started raining :)
I came across these two young men selling some of their fine arts and crafts to raise money. They lost an aunt a few years ago. I absolutely count resist. They drove a hard bargain, and made it hard to choose, but I think we worked out a great deal. I learned from their father later that they were very happy and excited to have sold their first frame. Awesome! It was also my favorite donation of the Relay! It was a picture frame that had some lollipops on it and the words "Life is Sweet!" written across the bottom.
I walked the first lap with one of my teammates mom :)
Here is our lovely last minute set up the next morning after returning from the rain delay. We had cookies and candy, bags of goodies, crowns, wands, t-shirts, Monsters, gift certificates to BW-3's and Easy Street, baskets and certificates from Fricker's, a night at the Hampton Inn and also a homemade basket of things created by the art teacher from BGHS.
H & M stands for Honor and Memory.
All the Princesses getting ready....
The Binkowski's were also celebrating their first wedding anniversary this weekend!
Me and Jodi
It had been too long since the three of us had spent time together.
And we stuck it out in the rain while many others ran for cover and went home. We didn't leave until the Relay was cancelled until morning.....
Good Morning!
Bright and early we were back at it!!!
Since my purple shirt had been soaked in the rain the night before and I wasn't thinking and left it in a heap when I got home...I wore a white shirt the next day. :) So now I suppose you can tell which pictures are from Friday night and which are from Saturday morning!
Tim and Gavin came to join for a few laps this time:)
and Tim was able to meet Maeteo!
Gavin took a short cut through the middle of the field. This is a view looking back at out site.
Gavin found this cart wagon next to one of the sites and climbed on in for a ride. I happened to know the folks here and they allowed me to pull him around for a few minutes.
Then we headed back for a snack and some playtime with Tae.
We had a good time and are looking forward to creating our team and using all our new ideas next year!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why, Hello there!

Six Little Ducks

Six little ducks that I once knew,
Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too,
But the one little duck with
the feather on his back
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack!
Quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack!
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack!

Down to the river they would go,
Wibble-wobble, wibble-wobble, to and fro.
But the one little duck with
The feather on his back,
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack!
Quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack!
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack!

Home from the river they would come,
Wibble-wobble, wibble-wobble, ho-hum-hum.
But the one little duck with
the feather on his back,
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack!
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack!

In every shape and size.....

....a role model can be found.

Who needs big brothers or sisters when you have big dogs?!
Following the leader.
Yuck..that's the dogs slimy ball kiddo!
Ugh. Yuck. Blech!
I was taking this picture as he put it up to his mouth...too bad I didn't catch his expression as I yelled "Yucky!" I believe it came out more like "Ewww...yuuuuckkkky, Gavin," as I lurched myself forward in what felt like slow motion in my bare feet across the rocks. You know the just can't get to him in time although you try with every ounce of your being. I didn't mean to scare him...but GROSS!
This is much better! Let's throw the ball to our furry friends.
Wherever did he get the idea to put that icky ball in his mouth.
OR learn this!
Oh, good gravy.
The sun was awfully hot today...can't blame a guy for getting thirsty. Sometimes those glasses of water are just toooo far away on the deck.
The three amigos exploring the waaay backyard.
Gavin was giving Sammy a big hug...naturally Chance gets in my way of the perfect shot.
My awesome threesome! Such good buddies...
...and always on my heels :)

What a party!

Happy 90th Grandma!! What a Stupendous Party!
Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day outside. Summer finally arrived for Grandma's birthday. Everyone had fun in the backyard:)
Some played in the water....
Some bounced in the air....
There were bubbles....
and Roller Coasters.....
Balloons, Food, and Conversation.....
There was even some indoor fun with toys when people needed to "escape"....
Ummm, there were also beverages.....
Incredible flowers.......
and artistic expressions.....
There was some cooking and frying.....
a whole lot of grilling....
Lots of fun in the sand....
There was even a first Happy Meal....
What an amazing day spent with family and friends!
This gang knows how to have a PARTY!
Everyone went home with full stomachs, happy hearts, and a sun-kissed glow :)