Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A day at the field

Go Mud Hens!!
We arrived a little bit late to the game so we stayed towards the back knowing that Gavin would be running around and restless anyway. Some people and their children had moved down front where our seats were located. We could have asked them to move since we did hold the tickets for the seats....but we didn't. As I said...we knew we wouldn't be sitting for much of the game anyway. There will be a next time:)
We had some more important people to go and visit this trip!
Sitting on daddy's shoulders to get a better view.
Is the line making you tired Gavin??
A big hug for mommy as we got closer :)
Finally to the front of the line!! It's amazing how long parents will wait in line with screaming kids to see these two! Yes, we waited about a half hour.... and we were lucky to NOT have a screaming kid.
It was fun to see Gavin smile at them and know that he really recognized them. You could just tell.
Yo Gabba Gabba
(Brobee and Plex)
After seeing the little green one and the magic robot we headed over to see Muddy. I mean, you can't go to a Mud Hens game and not say hi to Muddy ....can you?!
When we asked Gavin if he wanted to take a picture with Muddy, he shook his head a hefty NO.
Ahhhhh kids.
Sorry Muddy.

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