Saturday, May 8, 2010

Making Strides @ Levis Commons

What is Making Strides?
Making Strides events are noncompetitive walks ranging in distance from 3 to 5 miles. The event unites people of all ages with a common goal to fight breast cancer and save lives. Chances are, you’ve been affected by breast cancer in some way, and Making Strides gives you the power to fight back and make a difference.

Making strides for breast cancer this morning was freezing, windy and rainy...but worth the time for a good cause and to be around good friends! Two of my best girlfriends joined Gavin and I this morning to walk. It was much colder than I start anyway. Once we got moving we warmed up. That is, until the rain started. It wasn't too bad until we rounded the bend for the last lap and the rain was pelting us in the face that it became too much. Then, and only then, did Gavin seem bothered. We ducked inside one of the shops for a few minutes while it passed and we could warm up. I'd do it again in a heartbeat....although next time I would remember a hat and gloves.

Jodi brought some coffee while we were waiting for the walk to begin. She's always thinking and very thoughtful:)
Two of the best friends a person could ever hope to have in their life!
Pressly and Gavin. Our little troopers.
That Nessa, what a smart cookie...she had a wind/rain thingie for over her stroller! Gavin wouldn't even let me put his top down. He kept shoving it back up, even while it was raining!! Check out his hair! Awesome!
Warming up by the building for a minute. The ONLY time he actually wore his hat today.
Drying off:) He was only unhappy for a few minutes, I promise.
See...he is ok. Just a wet puppy.
Heading home with his sippy and snack.
What a great morning!!

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