Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a party!

Happy 90th Grandma!! What a Stupendous Party!
Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day outside. Summer finally arrived for Grandma's birthday. Everyone had fun in the backyard:)
Some played in the water....
Some bounced in the air....
There were bubbles....
and Roller Coasters.....
Balloons, Food, and Conversation.....
There was even some indoor fun with toys when people needed to "escape"....
Ummm, there were also beverages.....
Incredible flowers.......
and artistic expressions.....
There was some cooking and frying.....
a whole lot of grilling....
Lots of fun in the sand....
There was even a first Happy Meal....
What an amazing day spent with family and friends!
This gang knows how to have a PARTY!
Everyone went home with full stomachs, happy hearts, and a sun-kissed glow :)

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