Monday, May 3, 2010

Another trip to Sylvania Playland!

It looked like rain Saturday, so rather than the park or the zoo we headed to Playland again! It's been about two months since we were there and man could you tell a difference in Gavin. Once again, we started out in the toddler area where he climbed up and went down the little slide all on his own. I guess he needed to warm up a bit...however, it didn't take too long for him to get comfortable.
After the toddler area, Gavin and daddy jumped in the big bounce house/slide. Little did we know that in the last two months they have made a new rule that children under 38 inches aren't permitted on this particular slide or the BIG slide. (He did go on them last time) So after being asked to get off we ran around a few minutes before finding the swings!
Here is a shot of him getting ready to run. Notice the arms going back?? Who knew that helped pick up speed:)
 A few small steps down....One major accomplishment for Gavin! He walked down stairs!! Look out!
Oh the swings.
 Higher!! (but not tooooo high mom)
Now on to the big slides. Gavin no longer needed assistance climbing up the stairs either. I was nervous at first so we stayed close by, but he was very careful and made it up solo every time!
 He doesn't need caught at the bottom anymore either. He enjoyed just flying off the end!!
Another big slide!
This kid knows how to have a good time! Looking forward to more parks this summer has the weather gets nicer and nicer! We have a plan to head to a different park in the area every weekend this summer! Figure we need to check out them ALL!

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