Thursday, May 6, 2010

Woodlands Park

Welcome to Woodlands Park. Home of Fort Imagination. This "Fort" is really neat for kids to play and run and climb all over. We didn't get to visit the entire park because it was looking like rain and we wanted to get home before it poured. (we made it by minutes!) Once again, Gavin had no fear of the BIG slides. However, there were lots of bigger kids running and playing so we headed over to the "under 5" area playground after a few slides. The big area is just so neat being all connected! This will be a park we return to often I just know it!!

Here we are in the "little kid" area. It's nice because it is fenced in and has benches for parents to sit. Obviously we aren't to the point to just sit and let Gavin run free yet...although, I am trying here and there. He is very capable of climbing up the slides and going down alone. He also likes to crawl through the tunnels.

Pick my numbers Gavin!!!
This is one piece of playground equipment I'm not comfortable Gavin playing on without myself or daddy right there. I've seen too many kids fly off and get hurt. I'm sure I'll feel more comfortable in a few years...but not yet. He doesn't even like sitting on the horses. He just wants to stand in the middle and spin.
Hopefully the rain doesn't last and we can visit some more parks this week!

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