Thursday, May 6, 2010

Riverside Park

This is one of the best places to come view fireworks July 4th rather than heading over to Fort Meigs with the rest of the crowd.
Checking out the water and noticing a few geese.
Running around the bushes.
Riverside Park commands a beautiful view of the Maumee River at any time of the year. In 1915, the city received the land as a gift from private individuals and civic groups. In 1934 the park was officially dedicated with the placement of two cannons from the U.S.S. Constitiution and a bronze plaque commemorating the veterans of World War II.
These two bushes on either side of the cannon were so pretty that I made the mistake of taking two feet back to take a better picture. I say mistake because Gavin decided at that moment that he could get down by himself. Don't worry, he was fine. He did one of those moves where he landed on his feet, then butt and THEN fell backward. It was almost in slow motion. He cried for a mere second, but a quick hug made everything fine and he was ready to run around.

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