Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In every shape and size.....

....a role model can be found.

Who needs big brothers or sisters when you have big dogs?!
Following the leader.
Yuck..that's the dogs slimy ball kiddo!
Ugh. Yuck. Blech!
I was taking this picture as he put it up to his mouth...too bad I didn't catch his expression as I yelled "Yucky!" I believe it came out more like "Ewww...yuuuuckkkky, Gavin," as I lurched myself forward in what felt like slow motion in my bare feet across the rocks. You know the scene....you just can't get to him in time although you try with every ounce of your being. I didn't mean to scare him...but GROSS!
This is much better! Let's throw the ball to our furry friends.
Wherever did he get the idea to put that icky ball in his mouth.
OR learn this!
Oh, good gravy.
The sun was awfully hot today...can't blame a guy for getting thirsty. Sometimes those glasses of water are just toooo far away on the deck.
The three amigos exploring the waaay backyard.
Gavin was giving Sammy a big hug...naturally Chance gets in my way of the perfect shot.
My awesome threesome! Such good buddies...
...and always on my heels :)

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