Thursday, October 14, 2010

An Autumn Affair

We made a change of plans for today and I'm so glad that we did! Originally, we had thought about heading to Grand Rapids Annual Apple Butter Fest. Don't get me wrong, that is a great festival, but not as kid friendly as the Autumn Affair at Hoen's Greenhouse turned out to be, and I'm sure not nearly as crowded. There were several inflatables, pony rides, petting area (goats, bunnies and even a donkey), a hay maze, hay rides, pumpkin painting, face painting, games galore, several areas that were perfect for pictures, and treats. Again, we didn't purchase any pumpkins. I can't bring myself to pay that much for one right now, especially when Gavin isn't into the carving yet and I can pick up some at Kroger for a few bucks. In a few years, I'm sure I'll feel different. In a few years, it will be exciting to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out your very own pumpkin!

First things first, I wanted to get a picture of Gavin with a pumpkin. See how well it turned out? Posing for pictures has officially ended for the day. Today was going to be a shoot and click and hope I get something kinda day.
We started off by running through the hay maze. This one was much higher than the one yesterday, so when his little legs started sprinting through....we lost him! But only for a minute, he hit a dead-end and had to turn
around. Whew!
New idea. Gavin chases daddy.
Out back were the animals. 
If you were over the age of 18 you could pick up the bunnies for a closer look.  
Hmmm, I'm not so sure about this one either, G.  After being a little cautious, he braved it up and pet him, or her, I don't know. He also decided that the eye was a good place to touch. The el burro did not agree so
much. Moving on.....
It wouldn't a festival without a slide, now would it? The rest of the inflatables appeared to be more for the 4+ age bracket. Gavin just seemed too little to be tossed in one of the bounce houses, and this big caterpillar inflatable had me nervous he wouldn't come out the other side. So the slide we stayed. 
Next we went back inside to pick out a pumpkin to paint.
This one is perfect.
The set-up was great. There were long tables with chairs on both sides. When an empty seat was available you could go sit and one of the workers would give you a paper plate with "blobs" of paint on it. Every kid
received fresh paint. Awesome.
Check out this focus! He is really enjoying it, which is super because his usual attention span is less than two 
After you were done painting there was a table for you to leave it to dry. Oh, and the ladies working wrote each child's name on the bottom prior to painting.

Ok, while we are waiting, should we try one more "posed" picture? No, OK then. That's as good as it gets
today, folks.
Not in my wildest dreams did I think Gavin was going to go for this, but good golly he did!! I even told the clown before we sat that I wasn't sure and maybe a quick cheek would be the best we would get. I was very wrong. We did a semi-full face "quick" tiger, as she called it. 
It was semi, because we didn't opt for the full orange face paint..or the sparkles. 
Here he is looking in the mirror she is holding. Definitely not sure what to think at first. 
He came to LOVE it. In fact, he cried when we had to wipe it off before nap time later. I felt so sad for him,
but I did not want that paint all over his sheets and blankets.
It's nearing that time to head home, so we strolled through the games on the way out.  
We dug for treasure....
.....flipped bugs,
...and cheated in bean bags.
I'd say it was a good day indeed!

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