Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Miscellany

1) Outside when Gavin drops a snack I've learned to step on it as I say "all gone," so he doesn't pick it up and eat it. I've done this for a long time now. Well, the other day he was eating goldfish in the living room and he dropped one......yep, you guessed it, he stepped on it digging it nicely into the carpet. I need to teach him that at home it's okay to eat off the floor...hahaha

2) I usually leave my purse on our computer desk, which is conveniently located near the front door. I also ALWAYS have it zipped shut....except this once. I was watching TV after Gavin was in bed and my cat walked across the room with a five dollar bill. Sweet.

3) Gavin loves stickers. He receives them at home and daycare for good behavior and being a good helper. We were at Kohls and he was happy checking out the cups/plates and blankets rack while I looked at the clearance stuff right next to him. I should have known he was up to something. He had taken several of the "stickers" off the sock packages and proudly put them on his shirt. When we went up to pay, his shirt was covered with them. (7 pack, 40% off, etc.) While everyone in line was checking him out he decided it was a good time to show them all his "button." Of course, it was busy and the line was long. We all need comic relief to take our minds off the line, right?!

4) Grandma and Grandpa Johnson stopped over on Sunday to wish Gavin a Happy Birthday. While they were here for a few minutes, Grandma Kathy thought she would be funny and start mimicking everything that Gavin was doing. Joke turned on Kathy quickly because as soon as he realized what she was doing he pulled up his shirt! Copy me now, Grandma. ;)

5) Cotton Candy and ketchup. Does it get any grosser sounding than that?! Let me explain, not that it will be any less disgusting. Tim took Gavin with him to the bank where he received a cotton candy flavored sucker. We always ask for the white/clear suckers for what I hope is an obvious reason. After arriving home, we sat down for a lunch of Turkey burgers, green beans, and Doritos. Gavin likes to dip, remember, so we put a little dish of ketchup so he could dip pieces of his burger in it. G had a better idea. He used Doritos as shovels and devoured the dish of ketchup. Sick. He did eat half his sandwich, all his beans and most of his Heinz flavored Doritos. So when daddy was giving him a kiss before nap, he says "Bubba, you smell/taste like cotton candy and ketchup." My stomach did a little dance to that statement.

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