Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Miscellany

New Obsession? His bear that he made at Build-A-Bear Workshop with daddy. He takes it everywhere. Grandma and Grandpa's, the zoo, the park. He cried when I wouldn't let him take it into daycare. I made him leave it in the car. How am I ever going to get this thing away from him to wash it?! And trust me, it NEEDS washed. The tag says that it needs to be surface washed, but I know it needs a better cleaning then that. I'll put it in a pillow case or something.

Newest bad habit? He has this tendency to put his hand down the back of his pants. I don't know why. It makes sense when he tells me he went poop and we have been reading lots of potty books. But sometimes he randomly shoves his hand in there while playing in the living room. I must add that one morning when I got him up....his hand was not clean. Sick. Luckily he doesn't take the diaper off as I don't want to be writing a Poop Post. While they are funny, I am quite happy being on the reader end of those blogs.

Newest good habit? He picks up all his toys at night now. He even knows where they go. Yes, they all have a place. He might occasionally be coaxed with stickers, but not always. In other words, I found the lid to my blender.

Do anything unusual this week? Does petting a turkey count? Down the street this past weekend there was a food drive/pumpkin patch. Of course we went. We traded a can of Italian Wedding Soup for a pumpkin. That's my kind of deal. The Perrysburg Fire Department and Police Department were there letting the kids get in their vehicles. Inside there was fingerprinting, face-painting, balloon animals, and cookie decorating. All this was free! Along with the vehicles outside, there were animals to pet, including a goat, bunny, ferret...and a TURKEY! They are very soft. Who knew.

Rediscovered toy? His face cards. We haven't seen these in quite some time. Not that they were put away or hidden, they merely hadn't been pulled out of the toy box in a while. These cards have animals on them with the face-part cut-out so you can hold them up to your own face. Gavin now looks at the card, puts it up to his face and makes the correct animal noise! Buuuut, these cards are two-sided, so he is actually holding the animal he is acting, against his face. So now, dogs say "mooo" and cows say "woof woof." I think maybe if I get a mirror for him to look in, we can find a way to correct this. :) I'm so glad he found these again!

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