Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Miscellany

1) Gavin has learned much better how things work around here, including the diaper pail. You put the diaper in, flip the handle and the diaper is gone. Wah-la! It's magic! It's also been learned you can put in your bears pants, flip the handle, and Wah-La--the pants are gone! I NEVER would have found them had I not noticed him playing with it, while a very important bear was laying extremely close to him without pants on.

2) Bathtime is different everyday. We get one in almost everyday, except for the nights we don't get home until after 8. Once, maybe twice a week. I'm ok with this. This particular night, he wasn't interested so much in the bath, he usually is, and after a quick
"wash" he jumped out and took off into the living room. We shall call this my way of air-drying my son. It's easier than a fight to dry off. Anyway, I thought it would be easier to grab a diaper and his jammies and dress him in the living room. But somehow in the minute to two minutes it took me to grab his stuff and get to the living room he was already back towards the kitchen to greet me. He grabbed my hand and led me to a spot near the couch and pointed and said, "I pee pee." Yes, G, you sure did.  *sigh* Fortunately, I had some Resolve Pet Stain cleaner in the house. Let's try the potty next time.

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