Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Ghosts from Halloween Past

Ahhh, the sweet memories of my favorite time of year! I absolutely LOVE Halloween. I like carving pumpkins, dressing up, getting the jeans and sweatshirts out, sipping cider with friends (and occasionally adding some "spice" to it), parades... Oh, I could probably go on and on, but lets take a little stroll down the last 5 years instead.

Here we are in 2005. Brickhouse/Bricklayer. This is also the last time I ever purchased a costume in a bag.
 I have learned that making our own is much MUCH more fun and they turn out so much better.
2006. The only picture I could find of us. Funny how I was the one excited, yet Tim is the one that looks it.
 Oh, the irony
2007 I went easy peasy lemon squeezy and made some fun shirts. I was able to snag some matching ski caps at Target or Walmart and was calling it a holiday.
But Nooo.....
 .....the bar at the end of our street was bought out by some new owners and they were going to have a costume contest! The potato heads, while very comfy, had no chance at a I brainstormed. And Wah-la...Peter and Pumpkin were created! A little risqué, perhaps, but I wanted to WIN!
 Yep, we had fun with this costume that night. And waaaait for it.....we came in SECOND! What?! We lost to a pregnant nun. That was purchased in a bag. So disappointed. Then again, it was the nuns birthday. I'm not a sore loser.
 After a costume like that, is there a shock to see this little pumpkin the next year :)

Halloween's will never be the same again. Nevermind the couples costumes. I get to do a whole dang family theme now!! (ok...busted...I got these THING 1 and THING 2 costumes on Ebay. That no doubt were
 originally in a bag.)
Yes, Gavin, be afraid....very, very afraid.
Ok, so the family theme idea last one year. One time. That's it. I'm sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that I turned the family picture above into our Christmas cards that year. Admit it, you love it. Tim does too. On the inside.

 2009. Chicken Little
  It may not be homemade, but it didn't come in a bag either.

2010 coming soon :)

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