Thursday, October 7, 2010

New shoes

New shoes. They are new. They aren't comfortable. They aren't familiar. Many of us, two-year olds especially, don't like change. We like comfort, we like familiarity, we like what we know. These aren't the shoes I wear everyday. What are these?

It takes time to adjust to change. New schedules, new routines, new jobs....and new shoes. Everyday, we try the shoes on. We cry, we don't want to walk in them, we refuse them.

But eventually, they aren't new anymore. They are familiar from seeing them everyday. So we try them on again. We take a few steps. They are okay. And all of a sudden, man are they some cool shoes! They fit great! We run in them, we accept them, and we can't wait to get them on everyday and get outside and go.


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