Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Johnson's!

Christmas Eve is finally here! Gavin and I have been hanging out the last few days anticipating the holiday. Unfortunately it was due to him being sick. We finally went to the doctors on Wednesday and low and behold, he has an ear infection...on top of some major teething.
We decided to play with the Santa hat to take our minds off the discomfort.
This project I saw from my friend Kelly, and I just couldn't resist copying. Isn't it too cute?! I wish I could say we had a great time making it, but it was the first day Gavin wasn't feeling too well. I had all the paint out before getting him up from his nap, so although he was a bit cranky, I went through with the project. Luckily, my mom happened to stop by right at that time and lent me a hand:)
After his nap today, we packed up for our Johnson Christmas Eve. Every year, we head over to Tim's dad and Kathy's house for dinner and gift exchange. Gavin is playing with one of his new cars.
Here he is telling his little cousin Jasper how much fun he is going to have with his new cookie jar toy. Gavin got one of those last year for Christmas and still plays with it!
Here he's just taking in the room.
Gavin and Grandpa Johnson.
One picture of the three brothers and families before we leave:)
We are getting ready to pack up to head to Uncle John and Deb's house to continue the Johnson Christmas fun! Tim's grandparents had 10 children!! So every Christmas Eve it's a big deal to get everyone together. I know I'm going to be off with numbers but when you only see people once a year in a big group and everyone lives in different places it's hard to keep track. I do believe that Tim's grandparents have nearly 20 grandchildren and at least 7 great grandchildren. If any of the Johnson's are reading this, I could really use a list of names. To others who may be reading, don't think I don't know my family, but I married into this one, and once a year gathering of over 50 people is tough to remember. However, I do know who everyone is when I see them:) I can't believe how much everyone changes from year to year! I wish we could get together more often.
We've been at Uncle Johns for two minutes and Gavin is already making himself at home by checking their cupboards. He then went for a tour through the house. Which I might add is GORGEOUS!
There is Tim's older brother Ben and his family. (Laura, Corey, Adam and Jasper)
I just liked the fireplace so I threw this picture in.
Nice to see you too, Chris.
The kids did their gift exchange first. I don't think we could have held them off any longer:)
Hi Deb! Love your house!
The grown ups have a voluntary gift exchange. If you bring a gift, you'll leave with a gift. Everyone that wants to participate brings a $10-$15 gift. Aunt Joan has been in charge the last two years, and here she is passing out numbers.
The way they do the exchange is fun. She has a poem/rhyme that gets everyone picking a gift, and then swapping with another number or person to left, or darkest hair, etc. I googled it and its called the White Elephant Exchange Poem. It's way too long to type here and you can adjust it to the size of your group. It's a neat way to do the exchange. We have had fun with it the last two years. Here is Aunt Jackie comparing her number with Tim.
Gavin took to Aunt Jackie really well and quickly:) But then he wanted his daddy again.
End of the night, we are ready to head home. Gavin did a wonderful job considering his discomfort last few days. When I say end of the's just after 8. Ha! But someone looks like it's bedtime.

We get home and in jammies and then I remember we forgot to sprinkle the magic reindeer dust outside. I had already made some up, so I threw on some shoes and put a hat on Gavin and we stepped outside quick. We didn't even go in the yard. We sprinkled it in the driveway super fast.
I made it with some instant Quaker oats and red and green colored sugar I had on hand from decorating cookies. I've also seen it made with oats, sugar, and sprinkles. I've heard about using glitter, but that is dangerous to animals to eat, so please use sugar.
Just sprinkle this food on the lawn tonight.
The moon will make it sparkle bright.
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam.
This treat will guide them to your home.
What other way to end the evening than to read 'Twas the Night before Christmas!
Please sleep through the night Gavin. We all need rest.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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